
Contact details:
Company: Be You - live Your essence
Owner: Sylvia Walukiewicz
Address: Dornacherstrasse 16, 4053 Basel
Telephone: 079 770 06 92
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Next events

Transformation evening:
Wednesday, Oktober 23th, 2024
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Heal your femininity:
• Basic Package: Start anytime
• Silver and Gold:

The wisdom of the shell spirals:
++ To be announced ++ You can book a single session for that! 🙂

Transformation Training:
++ To be announced ++

Shamanic Transformation Course:
++ To be announced ++


Helpful Guides: Osho Zen Tarot and Intuition
Saturday, November 2nd 2024

Flowing Energy
• Thursday, August 22th, 2024, 19–20:15h

Financial Flow
++ To be announced ++

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