Couple Coaching
When a couple comes to me with a request, 1-2 individual coachings are first conducted to respond to individual needs. Afterwards, a joint coaching is arranged, in which the couple comes together into the practice. In a couple coaching, solutions to specific problems are worked out and implemented. Opportunities are offered to communicate with each other on a different level, to accept each other more and to connect to each other again on a more profound level. The methods and possible exercises are also individually selected and tailored to the needs of the couple.
Possible topics that can be worked on in a couple coaching are:
• Difficulties in communication
• Tensions and dissatisfaction in the relationship
• The feeling of not being respected
• Cheating on one’s partner
• Libido loss
• Too little quality-time together
• The feeling of not being loved enough
• Repeating quarrels that seem not to end
• Common management of major changes (children, moving, new job ...)
• Dealing with challenging situations together (death of a close person, serious illness, traumatic event ...)