How to manifest powerfully

Course: How to manifest powerfully?
„Learn powerful manifestation-techniques and create the reality you wish from the depth of your heart.“
Many of us have the feeling that we have to do a lot to finally manifest our goals and desires. We are often confronted with situations where we don't think we can get any further. Some also settle for the current reality, believing that ‘it is what it is’ and that there is nothing that can be done about it.

However, everything is made of energy and the energy is directed by our consciousness... Then how can it be that something cannot be changed?

There are many ways to manifest properly: we all have an immense power of creation and now it is time to activate it and to learn how to use it. We all create our reality, now it's about doing this consciously and using this power positively.

You can use the tools, activations and applications learned in this course practically in everyday life and also for larger goals and projects. For example, to solve smaller conflicts in business-situations or privately, but also to generate more financial flow or to attract your ‘dream partner’ into your life.
At the afternoon-course (Saturday, November 04, 2023, 14h-19h) we will:
• Solve blockages that block our power of creation
• Learn some energetic laws that are the basis of manifestation
• Create a little toolbox with tipps and tricks for our everyday life
• Activate the 3 main centres of manifestation (shamanic technique)
• Practice powerful techniques
Time and Place:
• Afternoon-seminar: 14h-19h (Saturday, November 04, 2023)
• Always in the Seminarroom of Be You- live Your essence (Dornacherstrasse 16, Basel)
Single entry:
• Afternoon-seminar: 150.- CHF (Either by pre-payment or cash to bring along)
Course language:
The course is held in German (with a translation in English, if needed)
Maximum number of participants:
The number of participants at the afternoon-seminar is restricted to a maximum of 10 people, like this each person can be addressed better individually.
Terms and conditions in case of cancellation:
• When registering for the seminar a place will be secured.
• In case of prevention until 5 days before the course, the entire course fee will be refunded respectively remitted. If you cancel after this deadline, the whole amount for the course will be charged.
• In case of illness the same provisions apply, but then just 50% of the course fee will be charged.
Please use the following information relating to the payment of course fees:
Be You- live Your essence
Sylvia Walukiewicz
Credit Suisse
IBAN: CH38 0483 5154 8059 7100 0
Reason of payment: Manifestation

Next events

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Wednesday March 19, 2025
Wednesday April 2, 2025
Wednesday May 14, 2025
Wednesday June 18, 2025


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• Basic Package: Start anytime
• Silver and Gold:

The wisdom of the shell spirals:
++ To be announced ++ You can book a single session for that! 🙂

Transformation Training:
++ To be announced ++

Shamanic Transformation Course:
++ To be announced ++


Helpful Guides: Osho Zen Tarot and Intuition
++ To be announced ++

Flowing Energy
++ To be announced ++

Financial Flow
++ To be announced ++

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